This is How You Stay Healthy - No Matter What!

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The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.
The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.

Have you too struggled with the concept of staying healthy? Have you also wondered why people, seemingly fit, also struggle with various medical complications? Today, we are elated to share some exciting news about an author talk featuring a book that can help you stay healthy no matter what life throws at you.

The event featured father-daughter author duo - Alex Jadad and Tamen Jadad-Garcia. Dr. Alex Jadad is a physician and the creator of the all-famous Jadad scale, while his daughter works as an entrepreneur in healthcare, consumer goods, and technology spaces. Their latest book, “Healthy No Matter What: How Humans Are Hardwired to Adapt” is a comprehensive guide to maintaining your health in the face of life’s challenges.

Seeing Reality Through A New Lens

The concept of staying healthy is often limitedly associated with our bodies being in shape as we eat healthily, or exercise daily. However, Dr. Jadad challenges this long-established idea and explores the concept of “overall well-being” with depth-driven medical explanations and tested concepts.

Tamen, at a recent conference, led the conversation by sharing a long list of practical and actionable tools that people could use to boost their health. For example, “Something as simple as a houseplant in your house or office space has been shown to reduce stress, improve sensations of calmness, sharpen your focus, and also improve the air quality in the spaces where you spend most of your time. In a hospital space, it can also speed up your recovery time, reduce your need for pain medications, and make you feel more satisfied with the care that you received.”

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Dr. Jadad then added details about the importance of self-assessment mentioned in their book, saying its accuracy is better than any blood test report! He further mentioned how toxic stress loads (TSL) are carried through generations and can have serious physical implications such as an increased risk of heart attack, diabetes, stroke, and even cancer.

Your Mind Is The Doorway To A Healthier Reality

One of the most interesting sections of the book, according to Dr. Jadad, is the chapter on mental health. He noted that mental health is often overlooked in discussions of overall health and wellness, but it is just as important as physical health. The book provides strategies for reducing stress, managing anxiety, and improving your overall emotional well-being.

When talking about the role that our mind plays in creating a healthier reality for oneself, Tamen and Jadad feel that one’s mind has an unlimited capacity to interpret things the worst in the best ways. And the good news is that we can always train our minds to choose a more optimistic and favorable perspective through different exercises. 

“There are a lot of exercises that can help you choose the more favorable and optimistic perspective. It could be something as simple as trying to spot the happy face in all of the scared, angry, or confused faces, or filling in a word that’s either neutral or positive rather than one that is negative or threatening in the blank space of an ambiguous statement.”

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“These kinds of exercises help to train your brain to choose the more constructive and positive interpretations of a context, and they have been shown to relieve anxiety disorders. These kinds of exercises are known as cognitive bias modification. Our mind has the ability to perceive itself, and it allows you to assess what you’re doing and who you are and create a feedback loop between those two things. You can create a healthier reality for yourself, and in the book, we give many examples of ways in which your mind can build this reality.”

Good Health Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Perfection

The book covers a wide range of topics, from nutrition and exercise to mental health and sleep. Tamen emphasized that the key to good health is not perfection, but rather consistency. She offered practical advice for making some unconventionally healthy ideas a part of your day-to-day life, such as setting up a great physical place, using technology to combat loneliness, and using adaptation as the active capacity of human beings.

The event concluded with a Q&A session, during which Dr. Jadad and Tamen shared views on how adaptability is the answer to all human woes and reiterating the grand notion behind human existence - We are strong. And wherever life takes us, we’ll be fine.

The father-daughter duo session was mind-wakening and inspiring. Healthy No Matter What: How Humans Are Hardwired to Adapt” is a valuable resource for anyone struggling with undesired fears, thoughts, and outcomes. We highly recommend it to our readers.

Stay healthy and take care,

Policybazaar team

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