How to Renew Metlife Health Insurance Online?

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The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.
The above plans and premiums are for AED 1,000,000 Sum insured for 1 Adult of 30 Years for Dubai city.

Headquartered in Dubai, MetLife provides healthcare insurance for individuals and families across the UAE. MetLife has served the Gulf region for over 65 years, offering a variety of policies to serve individual needs. MetLife health insurance policies are designed to provide financial security in the event of medical emergencies. Its health insurance policies are affordable and cover a number of medical conditions.

As a policyholder, it is not only essential for you to purchase a MetLife health insurance policy, but also to renew it on time to avoid losing cumulated benefits and ensure continuous coverage. This write-up offers insights into how to renew your MetLife health insurance plan online and what happens if you fail to renew your policy on time. .

How to Renew MetLife Health Insurance Online? 

To ensure uninterrupted coverage of your existing MetLife health insurance plan, it is essential to make sure that you renew your policy on time. If you have purchased your health insurance plan from, you can renew the policy from your user dashboard. Here are the following steps you need to perform to conveniently renew your health insurance plan from Policybazaar -

Step 1: Visit the TPA’s official website and log in to your account.. 

Step 2: You will be directed to the user dashboard where you will be able to view your existing policies. You will also find a reminder to renew your MetLife health insurance plan if the policy is in the grace period. 

Step 3: To renew the policy, fill in the form declaring your present medical condition and mentioning any new diagnosis. 

Step 4: After you fill out the form you will be navigated to our Quotes Page where you find the top plans from the best health insurance providers in the UAE. If you find your existing policy sufficient, you can proceed to make payment for the same. However, if you plan on switching your provider, you can compare and choose from the available options. 

Step 5: Once you have made the decision, click on the premium amount tab. You will be directed to the policy application form where you need to provide all the essential information about your existing diseases and medical condition. Here, you can also opt for riders that will help you make your plan more inclusive.

Step 6: Select ‘Submit’ to make the renewal payment online.

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What Happens If You Do Not Renew Your MetLife Health Insurance On Time?

To ensure that you continue to receive the cumulated benefits of your MetLife health insurance plan, a timely renewal is mandatory. In case the policy lapses, you will lose all the benefits like no-claim bonus discounts and waiting period on your policy. Furthermore, you would need to purchase a health insurance plan from the scratch and go through the waiting period again. To know more about what happens if you do not renew your health insurance policy on time, read further -

  • Expensive Premium - Since you end up losing your accumulated no-claim bonus discount once the policy lapses, you would need to pay more premium for your new health insurance plan. Moreover, your premium will be calculated from the scratch and your current medical condition including any new diagnosis will be taken into account when determining the premium amount. This increases the chances of you having to pay a higher premium as compared to what you would have paid if you had renewed your policy on time. 
  • Need to Undergo Elaborated Medical Check-ups - Usually when youb renew your health insurance on time, you are not required to go through a detailed medical examination. Providing new developments in your health works. However, if your policy lapses, purchasing a new health insurance plan calls for an extensive medical examination to determine your current health condition and decide the premium amount. This lengthens the policy purchase process and can lead to financial loss in case a medical emergency occurs. 
  • Interruption in Coverage - When you fail to renew your MetLife health insurance plan on time, your policy lapses and the coverage period ends. This remains same until you purchase a new plan. However, even in such a scenario you would need to complete waiting period to avail of benefits like pre-existing medical conditions coverage and maternity benefits. 
  • Renewal Gets Rejected - If you renew your health insurance plan after it lapses, chances are your renewal application will get rejected. As a result, you would need to secure a new health insurance plan at a higher premium rate. Even if you try to revive the lapsed policy, it is going to be an expensive affair.

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What is an Insurance Continuity Certificate?

An Insurance Continuity Certificate helps if you leave one employer and go to another. While handing over your current insurance claim cards, your previous employer will provide you with this certificate. All employers offer a Certificate of Continuity at no cost. Before providing coverage, the new company must see evidence that you are adequately insured. This certificate is valid up to 30 days from its date of issue.

Why is an Insurance Continuity Certificate Important? 

This certificate will provide continuity of coverage in the event of a job change. With this certificate, the fear of paying for pre-existing conditions will vanish. Moreover, it will allow you to receive more favourable premium rates from your new insurer. The insurance continuity certificate means saving large sum of money.

Things to Consider When Renewing Your MetLife Health Insurance Plan

Timely renewal of your MetLife health insurance plan is essential for an uninterrupted medical coverage. Thus, when renewing your health insurance plan, you need to consider several factors so that you continue to receive maximum benefits from your health insurance benefits. Here are some factors that you should take into account -

  • You should renew your policy within the grace period - Ideally, you should renew your health insurance premium before it expires. In case you fail to pay the premium, an extensive period of 15 periods (grace period) is offered with in which you can renew your MetLife health insurance plan. To ensure that your coverage remains uninterrupted, you should renew yourb policy within this period. 
  • Assess the needs for your health insurance - As a responsible policyholder, you should evaluate your requirements in terms of health insurance coverage. It is because with age illnesses like diabetes, hypertension become common. Your health insurance coverage and the benefits you choose should be customised according to your dynamic health needs. 
  • Declare any new medical condition - Since your health insurance plan is an annual contract, the terms are ammended every year due to the changes in existing health conditions. Thus, at the time of policy renewal, you should remain upfront about all the new developments in your medical condition since the previous policy tenure. 
  • Compare different health insurance plans- While it is considered more feasible to continue with the same policy provider, it is always advised to compare the options available to you. On third-party aggregators (TPAs) like, you can compare the features of several plans provided by the leading providers in the UAE at the time of renewal.   You can opt for portability where you can switch your provider while keeping the benefits and features of the existing policy intact.
  • Consider including riders - If you find the benefits provided in the current health insurance plan are not enough, you can opt to include riders at the time of policy renewal and make the plan more comprehensive.

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In Conclusion

To ensure you get continuous medical coverage in the UAE, it is essential that your renew your MetLife health insurance plan within the grace period. In the UAE, the grace period for policy reneal is 15 days. If you miss on renewing your policy, it lapses and all the benefits associated with plan lapse too. 

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To know more about renewing your MetLife Health Insurance Plan, read the following FAQ section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make any claims in case your policy expires?

MetLife does not allow you to file any claims in the period between policy lapse and its renewal. 

What is the most important thing that you should keep in mind when renewing your MetLife health insurance policy?

You should go through your current policy thoroughly before renewing your plan. In case you find the policy sufficient you can continue with the same or else opt for a new plan. Furthermore, going through the current policy also makes it easy to evaluate if you need additional coverage.

What do you mean by portability in health insurance?

In case you are not satisfied with the current coverage offered by the health insurance provider, you can port the plan to a new insurer while keeping the benefits of the existing health insurance intact.

Can you renew your health insurance once it lapses?

You would need to purchase a new health insurance plan at higher rates if your health insurance plan expires. Furthermore, you would not be able to enjoy the cumulated benefits of the previous policy.

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