DNIR Car Insurance

Dubai National Car Insurance offers various car insurance plans with maximum protection against any loss or damage caused to an insured or third-party vehicle. It provides car insurance coverage to protect against a wide range of risks, including fire, theft, natural disaster, and damage arising from an accident. Other benefits include 24-hour roadside assistance and a 24-hour customer service helpline. ...read more

DNIR Insurance
Unbeatable Rates
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  • Off-Road Cover*
  • Ambulance Cover
  • Get up to 30% off
Compare & Save Up to 30%on Car Insurance
  • Nissan
  • Toyota
  • Honda
  • Mitsubishi
  • Ford
  • Other

  • Comprehensive
  • Third Party
*Above mentioned prices are for Honda City EX 1.5L, 2017 model.
*Above mentioned prices are for Honda City EX 1.5L, 2017 model.

Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance (DNIR) commenced its operations in 1991. Since then, the company has widespread operations in the UAE. It is a Public Shareholding company (PSC) and is also the first insurance firm to be listed in Dubai Financial Market. It follows the guidelines that are listed in the Federal Law 6 of 2007.

The company was backed by a number of national businessman and shareholders at the time of its inception. Since then, it continues to be one of the best providers of car insurance in Dubai. Their comprehensive and innovative car insurance policies have helped them in carving a niche in the UAE car insurance market.

DNIR Car Insurance in the UAE

Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance (DNIR) aims to offer an adequate car insurance plan that offers you the maximum protection against any loss or damage caused to your insured vehicle.

It will cover financial emergencies which may arise in the event of an accident and bodily injuries. Moreover, it covers risk arising from third-party damages or any accidental damage caused to your car.

Commercial vehicles like buses, trucks, vans etc. are also covered under a motor fleet insurance plan.  A group of more than 6 vehicles can also be insured under the fleet policy. 

If there is an emergency, you can avail immediate assistance from their network agencies and get repairs done at their registered workshops/garages.

They offer bespoke and cost-effective car insurance plans to meet the individualistic needs of their customers.

Types of Car Insurance Covers in Dubai

There are Two types of coverages that are provided –

  • Third-party Cover - It will offer protection insurance against any loss or damage arising due to third-party bodily injuries or death and even property damage. It is mandatory to have third-party insurance as per law. It will not cover against any loss or damage caused to the owner, co-passengers, and the insured vehicle.
  • Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover - If you want third-party liability cover along with a cover for loss or damage caused to your own vehicle, self, or to the co-passengers, then it is advisable to buy this plan. It also includes roadside assistance, in case the car breaks down or there is an accident.


Vehicle Damage, Loss and Third-party Liability Cover

  • Agency repairs
  • Applicable geographical area is Oman and the UAE (for own damage only)
  • Personal belongings Cover
  • Car-Hire benefit (can be availed with the payment of an additional Premium)
  • Emergency medical expenses
  • Ambulance Cover
  • Off-Road Cover (for 4X4 vehicles only)
  • Damage caused to the windscreen
  • Damage resulting from natural calamities like floods, storm, riots and strikes
  • For car accident and breakdowns, the insured vehicle/person gets roadside assistance
  • On payment of additional premium, you can avail personal accident cover for both passengers and the driver

DNIR Car Insurance Policy Inclusions

Following coverage is provided if you buy a car insurance plan from Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance (DNIR) -


Policy Tenure

Period of 13 months


Against any loss, damage, theft and fire

Third-party Property Damage

Coverage up to AED 2 Million

Third-party Bodily Injury

Total loss cover

Agency Repair


Applicable Geographical Area

Oman & the UAE (Own-Damage Only)

Extra Benefits

Personal Belongings

Coverage up to AED 2,000

Emergency Medical Expenses

Coverage up to AED 3,000

Ambulance Cover

Coverage up to AED 6,770

Off-Road Cover (for 4 wheelers only)

Coverage up to AED 5,000

Windscreen Damage

Coverage up to AED 2,000

Extension for Natural Disasters

Only in case of floods, storms, riots and strikes

Roadside Assistance In Case Of An Accident Or Car Breakdown

Gold card is provided

Optional Cover

Car Hire Benefit

On payment of additional premium of AED 250  (10 days limit and a maximum of AED 100 can be availed per day)

Personal Accident Cover to Passengers and Driver

Can be availed by paying additional premium

*Policy excess is subject to policy guidelines

There are certain conditions that are applicable to the car insurance provided by Dubai National Insurance & Reinsurance Company

  • People who have a valid UAE driving license are eligible to purchase this Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance Car Insurance plan
  • Additional 10% excess is applicable if the age of the driver (at the time of the accident) is below 25 years
  • For policy issuance, the proposer is required to submit the RTA passing certificate and a photograph of the car. In certain cases, vehicle inspection may also be done
  • While cancelling the policy, a cancellation fee is applicable
  • The claim request will not be considered in case wrong information is provided or a false declaration is made. Cancellation charges will also apply
  • If your car insurance policy is yet to be renewed, then any claim arising between policy expiry date and policy renewal date shall not be considered valid
  • The validity of a quotation will be 15 days from the policy issuance date
  • The original policy document will be issued to the proposer once the documents are received and the premium is successfully paid. Then the confirmation will be sent to the proposer. It is advised that you go through the policy inclusions and exclusions before purchasing this car insurance plan from DNIR
  • The car insurance benefits are subject to policy terms, conditions and wordings

Third Party Liability Cover by DNIR Car Insurance

As per the laws in the United Arab Emirates, it is obligatory for vehicle owners to register their vehicles under a third party liability plan to cover the cost of any accidental damage to a third party be it bodily injury, death or damage to property. As such Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance Car insurance has designed an adequate third party cover that meets the requirements of the policy holders. Mentioned below are the key benefits of this policy provided by Dubai National Insurance & Reinsurance:

  • Third party property damage is covered under this plan up to a sum of AED 2 million
  • DL copy
  • Geographical area of only UAE is covered under this policy
  • A personal accident benefits of up to AED 200,000 is provided under this third party liability cover

Auto Care Scheme by Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance Car Insurance(DNIR)

Being one of the leading motor insurance companies in the UAE, DNIR offers the best in class car insurance plans. Furthermore, the company has partnered with some of the leading garages and agencies to make the policy holders experience even more stress free. The auto care scheme is a testament to this commitment of the Dubai National Car insurance and Reinsurance. The following are the key benefits of this plan:

  • A cover period of 13 months
  • Third party property damage up to AED 2 million is offered under this policy
  • An unlimited third party bodily injury cover is provided under the auto care scheme
  • The plan comes with a loss, damage, theft and fire cover
  • Agency repair for brand new cars is included under this policy
  • The geographical area of UAE and Oman fall under the validity of this policy for own daamge only
  • Emergency medical expenses up to a sum of AED 3,000 are covered by the plan
  • Personal effects up to AED 2,000 are covered
  • The policy covers ambulance services up to a sum of AED 6,770
  • Windscreen cover is offered for up to a sum of AED 2,000
  • Off road cover for only 4WD vehicles is included as a free benefit but it comes with an excess of AED 5,000
  • The plan also covers floods, storms, riots
  • Road side assistance in case of an accident or breakdown is offered under the Gold card

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General Conditions Required for the DNIR Auto Care Scheme

  • The vehicle must be driven by individuals holding a valid UAE driving license.
  • In case at the time of the accident, the drivers age is low 25 years old, an excess of 10% is applicable.
  • The company might require further information like photographs of the car, RTA passing Certificate, and even require an inspection of the vehicle to issue your policy.
  • In the event it is discovered that the insured has filed a false declaration or submitted wrong information, the quotation shall be considered void and cancellation charges may apply.
  • This quotation remains valid for a period of 15 days from the date of issuance.
  • For renewal, the claim submitted beyond the renewal date where the claim date is before the renewal, in that case, the New Insurance is considered void and canceled.

Documents Required for DNIR Car Insurance Policy Purchase

If you are planning to buy car insurance in Dubai, then the following documents need to be submitted:

  • Driving license
  • Valid Emirates ID
  • For new cars, vehicle invoice is required
  • If the insured vehicle is owned by a car company, a trade license copy is required
  • Car photo along with passing paper (if required)

Note – Front and back side copy is required for all of these documents

Payment method followed by Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance Company (DNIR)

  • You can pay online with your credit card. Our representatives can help you with the details
  • In any of the Mashreq Bank’s Branch in Dubai, you can deposit cash to the company’s bank account
  • Cash payment or credit card payment at their registered office (Abu Dhabi or Dubai)

Claim Procedure for DNIR Car Insurance

For an early claim settlement, you need to intimate the insurer as soon as possible -

If you have a comprehensive car insurance plan and damage is caused to the vehicle, you can immediately inform the insurer by calling DNIR's registered number.

You can also get in touch with the motor claims department.

For fast processing of the claim, ensure that you submit the following documents -

  • Front and back copy of the Registration card
  • Copy of Driving License
  • Claims form to be duly filled by the insured
  • Original copy of the police report

Important Articles Related DNIR Car Insurance

DNIR Car Insurance Contact Number DNIR Car Insurance claim
DNIR Car Insurance garage List  

Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance Car Insurance FAQs

Q1. Is it mandatory to have car insurance in the UAE?

Ans: Yes, it is mandatory to have car insurance in the UAE. A third-party cover is the minimum basic necessity.

Q2. Why is it important to buy motor insurance?

Ans: If you are a car owner and want to have financial protection against any unforeseen loss or damage which may arise due to collision, death or third-party damage, then it's imperative for you to have car insurance in UAE.

Q3. How to contact the insurer to file a claim?

Ans: For motor claims, you can call their toll free number - 800-DNIRC (36472) Direct number - 04-2956700 Timings -Sun-Thu, 11:00 AM to 12 PM

Q4. Which is better: comprehensive or third-party insurance cover?

Ans: If you want extensive coverage against loss or damage arising due to accident, third-party and property damage, along with roadside assistance, then you should buy a comprehensive plan.

Q5. Why different car insurance companies in Dubai/UAE have different insurance premiums?

Ans: Every insurance provider in the UAE uses different methods and statistics while calculating the insurance premium. Some car insurance companies may provide certain discounts while others may charges extra, for they do not extend the cover in that specific area. This results in a variation in the premium of different providers.

Q6. What factors are considered while calculating the policy premium?

Ans: Following factors are taken into consideration -

  • Year of manufacture
  • Model and make of the vehicle
  • Area of registration
  • Current showroom price and the actual price of the vehicle
  • Whether the proposer is an individual or a company
  • Driving experience
  • Claims history of the proposer
Q7. What if I do not receive my Insurance certificate at the time of policy issuance?

Ans: You will get a cover note, which is a temporary document that can be used as a proof of insurance. Using this, you can get your vehicle registered. This is valid up to 60 days from the issuance date. After that, the cover note has to be replaced by your original insurance certificate and documents.

Q8. Can I make an online payment to DNIR?

Ans: Yes, you can make payment using your credit card.

Q9. Do I get car hiring benefit in my original cover?

Ans: You can take it as an optional cover by paying some extra premium.

Q10. What is covered under motor fleet insurance plan?

Ans: Commercial vehicles buses, trucks, vans etc. are covered in it. More than 6 vehicles of any kind can be insured under the fleet policy.

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