How Much Age Affects the Cost of Auto Insurance in Abu Dhabi

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As per the RTA law, car insurance is mandatory for every car owner in Abu Dhabi and they are not legally allowed to drive their vehicle on the road of this city. The premium of car insurance varies significantly since it is based on several factors.

One of the important factors that car insurance companies consider when coming up with an auto insurance quote is the driver’s age. For a car insurance company, the age of a driver is a way of analyzing the driving experience as well as the risk of an accident. Depending on the statistics of insurers, the more years behind the wheel the driver has, the less likely he/she is to get involved in an accident & submit an insurance claim for reimbursement. It simply means that he/she will definitely cost less to insure.

Who are Likely to Pay More Car Insurance Premium?

According to the statistics, teenagers or new drivers basically pay the most of motor insurance Abu Dhabi because they are reckless behind the wheel. That is why young drivers are more likely to get involved in a car accident & crashes as compared to other age groups. In fact, statistics indicate that inexperienced male or female drivers are more likely to pay file an insurance claim. Due to this reason, the majority of car insurance companies offer higher insurance premiums for young drivers.

Mature drivers in their mid-30s or late 50s have better driving skills & understanding of traffic rules which simply means lower accident rates. Once drivers reach their 60s, however, the trend starts to slowly reverse as aging which impacts the driving skills as well. Typically, elder drivers tend to pay more for car insurance Abu Dhabi as their driving skills diminish with the growing age. In fact, an 80-year-old driver ends up paying nearly a bit more than a 25-year old driver.

Average Auto Insurance by Age:

As said earlier, young & oldest drivers pay more for car insurance Abu Dhabi than middle-aged drivers. Here is the average cost of auto insurance by age:

Car insurance quotes for young drivers are 3x as costly than auto insurance quotes for drivers in the mid-30s. Once teenagers or young drivers gain more experience under their belt and enter their mid-30s, their auto insurance costs generally drop about 30 percent. The cost of motor insurance continues to reduce with each year. Around 60, however, car insurance premium reverses their trend and start to increase gradually.

How to Save on Motor Insurance Premium as a Young & Old Driver?

There is nothing you can do about your age, but of course, you can take some smart steps to save on your car insurance premium. Here are a few ones:

Shop Around

Whether you are a young driver, an elderly driver, or a driver of any other age group, you can save on car insurance premium and one of the most effective ways to save money on your auto insurance is to shop around. There are certain car insurance companies out there that offer affordable premiums than others for insuring young or elderly drivers. So, we would highly recommend you that get car insurance quotes from at least 3 or 4 auto insurance companies. Compare them in terms of their benefits, premiums, & coverage and then opt for the one that suits your insurance needs and fits in your budget.

Look For Discounts

Discounts are an easy way for young as well as senior drivers to save money on their car insurance premiums. They can save a maximum of 10% on their auto insurance premium by taking defensive driving courses. However, there are a few car insurance companies in the market that allow senior drivers to take re-education driving courses to qualify for discounts.

Join The Family Policy

For young drivers, the high cost of insurance premium can be reduced by joining your parent’s car insurance policy. It may not be that much cheaper but it is actually cheaper by about half of what it would be if you brought your own car insurance policy. However, the insurance premium will become more expensive for your parents so make sure you discuss the pros & cons with them before you take any action.

Bottom Line!

While auto insurance can be expensive for some age groups, it is mandatory for all car drivers in Abu Dhabi. Buy by implementing some cost-saving and smart strategies such as comparing different car insurance quotes and searching for discounts, you can definitely opt for the right car insurance policy.

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