How Having a "Freedom Fund" Can Help You Reach Your Goals

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Achieving financial independence is a major goal for many of us. However, without the right budgeting and financial management, our income can easily be depleted. As such, many of us strive to create a freedom fund: a small reserve of money that we can use for leisure activities, emergencies, and more, without having to rely on others. Building such a fund can be quite simple, and the benefits are clear. To learn more about what a freedom fund is and how to create one, read this write-up.

Freedom Fund: What is it? 

The freedom fund is an important financial tool that gives you the power to become financially independent. It is essentially a pool of money, saved from your salary after taking care of all your financial obligations, which you can use to treat yourself or explore new opportunities. It is not to be confused with an emergency fund, which is used only in times of crisis. With a freedom fund, you can become your own master and make decisions that will help you create a better life for yourself. Having a freedom fund is not just about having financial independence; it is about having the power to make choices that will improve your life.

Why Should You Consider Having a Freedom Fund? 

Having a freedom fund is a great way to gain financial independence and freedom of choice. It can help you to pursue your dreams and ambitions, allowing you to make decisions that are best for you. With a freedom fund, you can make decisions based on what you want, not what is dictated by your financial situation. It also eliminates the need to rely on others for financial support, giving you the freedom to make your own choices. In short, a freedom fund can help you to achieve financial independence and the freedom to make decisions that are best for you..

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How to Create Freedom Fund?

To start the freedom fund, you would need to build a corpus for the future. For this, you should first repay your debts and start saving money from your salary. Once you have repaid the debts, try not to accrue any more debts or large unnecessary financial obligations. For this, you should keep a track of your income and expenses and become aware of how you are spending your money. 

To create a sufficiently large freedom fund, you can follow these tips – 

Create a Private Savings Account

You should open a separate savings account to grow your wealth over time. With an account of yours, you would be able to estimate the amount that you can save along the lines of the financial objective you need to achieve. 

You should also figure out how fast should the freedom fund-building process should go. Ideally, you should have at least six months' worth of living expenses to begin planning your freedom fund.

When selecting the type of savings account that you should open, consider the following – 

  • The existing interest rate on the savings account – make sure that you choose a high-yielding savings account to earn more money
  • Any fees linked to the savings account – you should avoid opening a savings account with high management fees
  • Make sure you opt for a savings account that provides access to funds as and when required

Reduce Your Expenses –

You should avoid making any unnecessary debits from your income and make a clear segregation between your needs and wants. While you should not compromise on meeting the basic requirements, you should definitely analyse if you absolutely want to indulge in any particular leisure spending. 

Create Life Goals –

To build a freedom fund, having concrete financial objectives is a must. Write down the objectives in the following manner – 

  • What are your lifestyle requirements?
  • How much money should you have in your bank account to achieve financial freedom?
  • What is your deadline to build a freedom fund?

Lead a Minimalistic Life –

To create a freedom fund, it is important to have a minimal life. For this, differentiate between your needs and wants and make the required adjustments to your lifestyle. 

Create Emergency Fund –

Often misunderstood by people, it is essential to note that your freedom fund is not an emergency fund. To ensure that you don’t dive into your savings in the freedom fund in case of an emergency, you should have a separate emergency fund. It is advisable to keep a certain amount of your income aside to handle unexpected events like - a 

  • Sudden unemployment
  • Medical emergencies
  • Car repairs
  • Unexpected home repairs 
  • Unplanned travel expenses

It is important to note that your emergency fund should be at least 3 months' worth of living expenses.

Way Forward

A Freedom Fund is an important concept that encourages financial independence for all individuals, regardless of gender. To make the most of your Freedom Fund, it is recommended to lead a minimalistic lifestyle, reducing unnecessary expenses and keeping your savings on track to eventually use towards achieving something bigger and better. This fund can be used to bring about changes in your life or treat yourself to a more financially secure future.

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