Your credit cards fall under the category of those beloved items you would always hate to lose. A stolen or a lost credit card can cause a lot of damage, especially in the cases when your credit limit is high or you have a lot of credit available or both. It is important that you are aware of what steps you should take if your credit card in UAE is stolen or lost. Getting your credit damaged at the hands of someone else would probably not be a part of your wish list.
Taking quick action is the key. First and foremost, you must report the missing credit card to the issuer. Do not waste time, call the issuer as soon as you notice that your card has gone missing.
You can find the contact number of your credit card issuer on the copy of your previous card statement. You can also use the website to report the missing credit card if you have online access for the credit card lost/stolen. It is advised to ensure that you use the official website of the issuer and not some imposter website.
While you call the credit card provider, make sure you have the following information:
After reporting about your missing credit card to the issuer, it is recommended that you follow up using a letter mentioning in it that your credit card was stolen or lost. You should also include the above-mentioned information in the letter. This will act as proof that the loss has been reported from your end along with a record of the time of the report, in case this fact ever comes into question.
After you have reported the missing credit card in UAE, keep your eyes open for fraudulent transactions. You will not be liable to pay any amount on the unauthorized charges that are made after reporting the loss of the card. It is advised to review your billing statement properly for some months after your card goes missing, so as to catch unauthorized charges (if any) made on your credit card. If any such charges come into your notice, inform your issuer about it immediately.
You must take the following actions to prevent your credit card from getting stolen or lost in the future.
In a Nutshell
Credit card theft or loss and unauthorized charges are a nightmare for the cardholders. It might lead to canceling or reissuing of the credit card in UAE. In case of a stolen or lost credit card, immediate action is the key. Make sure you report the missing card on time and keep checking for any fraudulent transaction on your billing statement. You should also take precautions to avoid any such loss in the future.