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Useful Tips to Decrease Your Interest Burden on Existing Home Loan
Repaying a home loan in the UAE can take up to 40% of the borrower’s monthly income. Loan repayment can indeed prove to be a tedious task given borrowers end up taking 15 to 20 years to repay the entire loan amount.
One of the foremost ways to make loan repayment more feasible is to reduce the home loan interest rate payable. A step that you can take in this regard is to compare the mortgage loans for their repayment interest rate from different banks in the UAE.
In addition to this, discussed below are some straightforward and useful tips that can help you decrease the interest rate payable on your home loan in UAE.
Your initial monthly instalments are used to cover the interest charged over your overall home loan amount. So when you make regular prepayments in the starting years, you reduce the home loan interest rate significantly.
Most home loan borrowers tend to prepay certain portion of their home loan debts, although the payment strategy may vary as per the applicant. For instance, a person can decide to make part prepayments half yearly to reduce the overall interest payment burden.
Prepaying a home loan in the UAE can help you settle your existing home loan in part or full and even save money. To prepay the mortgage loan in the UAE, review the early payment terms and your short- to mid-term financial health to ensure that you are also able to save while prepaying the home loan. So whenever you get incentives, save them up to prepay your home loan in the UAE.
Reviewing your financial conditions before deciding the final loan repayment tenure is key to a timely repayment of the loan. You can determine the home loan term using the following to approaches –
To reach the middle ground, you should select a loan repayment tenure after calculating your home loan instalment using an EMI calculator to move in the right direction. An EMI calculator is an online tool that computes the instalments you would need to pay to settle your home loan debt. The calculation here is done on the basis of your current income, savings, and more.
A balance transfer is another option to decrease your interest payment burden on your home loan in the UAE. In case you are dissatisfied with the current interest rate charged by your lender, you can transfer the loan balance to another bank that is charging a lower interest rate.
However, before opting for this, make sure that you are ready to pay a penalty to the existing lender for transferring your loan to another bank. Moreover, you will be charged a fee even by the bank to which you are transferring your outstanding loan balance. Consequently, you should look into these charges first to ensure that you are not paying more than your capacity.
To apply for a balance home loan transfer, you can submit an application form to your existing lender and retrieve all the essential documents and proceed to the new lender for further process.
By regularly paying your monthly instalments, you increase the possibility of getting a better interest rate payable upon the upfront payment of the interest rate conversion fees. For this, submit an application with your lender to request them to reduce the interest rate payable on your home loan in the UAE.
Besides paying your monthly instalment regularly, you should also maintain a good credit Score to get your interest rate reduced on the outstanding loan amount. Another thing you can do is to ask your loan provider to increase the instalment amount a bit to demonstrate your financial growth. This can also help you pay off your loan quickly.
Ddown payment amount also helps in determining the interest amount for your loan. If you make a higher down payment, you can considerably decrease the effective interest rate as you would need to pay interest on less amount. The down payment range can differ based on your credit history and your relationship with the lender.
Note that most banks and lending institutions provide loans of up to 80% of the property’s value, depending on your profile. You should plan the down payment portion accordingly while ensuring that you borrow less loan amount to pay less interest.
The following are some additional tips to reduce your interest rate payable –