How to Apply For Personal Loan from Dubai Islamic Bank

Personal Loan up to 8 times your Salary

Personal Loan in UAE
  • Minimum Salary 5000 AED
  • EMI Tenure up to 48 Months
  • Lowest Interest Rates

Get personal loan at Lowest Interest Rate

Abu Dhabi
Ras Al Khaimah

In order to meet your financial aspirations or to fulfill immediate cash requirements, a personal loan is indeed the best option. Be it a medical emergency, wedding, home renovation, international vacation, and even for debt consolidation, a personal loan can help you fulfill these needs immediately.

There are various banks/personal loan lenders that offer personal loans at an attractive & competitive interest rate. So, if you are looking for a personal loan to fulfill your monetary needs then you can avail it from Dubai Islamic Bank.

Dubai Islamic Bank is a banking champion that offers a wide variety of banking products
& services to its customers. A personal loan is one of the amazing products offered by the Dubai Islamic Bank. The Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan helps in offering you additional funds to meet your various personal needs. Not only the Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan comes at the lowest interest rate but also the bank offers personal loan at the low processing fee. Hands down, we all might need a personal loan at some points in our lives. But the burning question is how to apply for a personal loan from Dubai Islamic Bank?

How to Apply For a Dubai Islamic Bank Personal Loan?

You can easily apply for a Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan through the online portal, phone banking or by visiting the bank branch.

Online Banking

You can apply for a Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan through the online banking portal of the bank. All you need to visit the official website of the bank and then fill in the loan application form by providing the essential details. After that, submit it the loan application.

Phone Banking

In order to apply for a Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan, you can contact the bank using the phone banking option. You can call on the official number of the bank which can easily be found on the official website of Dubai Islamic Bank.

Branch Application

Another alternative way of applying for a Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan is offline. You can visit the nearest branch of Dubai Islamic Bank and apply for a personal loan you wish to avail.

What All Factors Should You Consider While Applying For a Dubai Islamic Bank Personal Loan?

There are several factors that you need to consider while applying for a personal loan offered by the Dubai Islamic Bank:

Eligibility Criteria for a Personal Loan

One of the primary things while applying for a Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan is the eligibility criteria.To be able to apply for a personal loan offered by the Dubai Islamic Bank, you must meet the eligibility criteria pre-decided by the bank. This includes dib personal loan salary requirements, age, credit Score, employment status, and much more. Following is the basic eligibility criteria for the DIB personal loan:

Minimum Income Required

  • AED 3,000 per month

Other Requirements

  • Self-employed individuals
  • An applicant working with Dubai Islamic bank approved company & their salary should be transferred to DIB or some another bank.
  • A loan applicant who isn’t working with Dubai Islamic bank’s approved company but he/she transfers their monthly salary to DIB or some another bank

List of Required Documents

In order to apply for a Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan, you need to submit some documents required by the bank. Well, the bank requires minimal documentation which makes it easy for the applicant to avail a DIB personal loan. These documents include some identity proofs such as passport copy, resident visa, Emirates ID. Also, the bank requires some other documents like bank statements, security cheque, copy of a trade license, and salary transfer letter. Your Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan will get approved after you submit all these documents successfully.

Go Through The Interest/Profit & Other Charges

While applying for a DIB personal loan, make sure you go through the profit rate and other charges associated with the Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan. Other charges include processing fee, re-scheduling charge, early settlement fee, cancellation fee, and more. Knowing about all these charges is quite important since all these charges can make a significant difference in how much you repay the loan amount.

Features & Benefits of the Personal Loan

Last but not least, you must check all the features & benefits of the personal loan before you apply for it. Know about its maximum loan amount, repayment tenure, grace period, loan approval time carefully as this will help you to make the most of your personal loan.

Bottom Line

So, you can see that applying for a Dubai Islamic Bank personal loan is not difficult. Your loan will get easily approved if you meet the eligibility criteria and submit the required documents successfully.

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