Cash back credit cards pay back a decided percentage for your spending. They are a popular kind of rewards credit cards. The different type of cards is loaded with different kind of benefits. A good card not only helps you save but also covers your expenses and builds a good credit score. Typically, there is a limit on the amount of cash back you can earn in a month.
You should have a detailed idea of your spending habits before digging deep into the sign-up procedure. Cash back cards are designed for different types of spenders. For instance, some cards may give you cash back when you travel, whereas, others might earn you cash back on your supermarket spends. The best cash back credit cards for you are the ones that suit your spending habits.
Once you have decided upon the type of credit card that suits you, you should sign up only for the ones that you will use consistently. Sending out numerous credit card applications is not a good idea as it has a direct impact on your credit score.
Cash back credit cards often offer you perks for signing up such as a sign-up cash bonus. Most of the time you need to spend a particular amount on your card to be eligible for the bonus. However, the best pick often is the one that offers a high consistent percentage of cash back rewards.
Annual Percentage Rate or APR is one of the most important things to understand about cash back credit cards. An APR is the annual interest rate on your card. If you pay your outstanding balance on time and in full each month, you won’t be charged any interest.
The two things that can raise your interest rate are:
Depending on the APR and the outstanding balance, the interest can end up being higher than the cash back rewards earned.
There are few charges and fees that one should look out for before opting for any card, they are:
Cash back credit cards offer different ways to redeem your accumulated point. Some of the redemption methods are:
Most providers let you choose between the options the particular card offers. The redemption can easily be done by going online on the card’s portal or by calling the dedicated helpline number.
On an Endnote
You should consider opting for cash back credit cards if: