Credit cards have become an important tool with respect to personal and business finances. Besides helping us pay off our bills and debts, a credit card can also help in purchasing regular essentials without any hassle. Due to a large number of benefits and features, most individuals now prefer paying bills with a credit card.
Discussed below are the key advantages and features that you can enjoy while utilising credit cards for various payments –
As mentioned earlier, using credit cards for payments makes for a highly convenient payment experience. The same applies to paying bills with credit cards, as you can get done with regular and periodic bills easily.
Discussed below are the advantages you can get while making credit card payments for utility bills –
Financial institutions and banks generally offer discount coupons applicable when paying bills with credit cards. These offers can provide you discounts or cashback upon successful payment and eventually help you save some money. The money either gets credited to your credit card account or the wallet of the website source from where you initiate the payment.
Using a credit card can help you protect yourself from the late fees charged for delayed utility bill payments. For this, customers can set up the auto-pay option for recurring payments. This way, your money gets debited from your credit card amount automatically at the end of the billing cycle each month.
Most banks in the UAE provide reward points on every credit card payment. Customers can then easily redeem these points later to make other purchases and get discounts and cashback. Credit card users also get the option to purchase vouchers to use for other bill payments.
Besides the auto-pay option, you can also turn on alerts for other bills’ approaching dates on your registered email ID and mobile number. This feature can help you plan out the payment of your bills and expenses in advance.
Two major factors that affect your credit scores are utilisation of your credit card and the timely payment of your bills. Your credit Score increases as you keep using your credit card (under the specified limit) and paying the bills on time. By combining these two in one, i.e., paying bills with credit cards on time, you can significantly improve your credit scores. This can be achieved by using the previously discussed features of auto-pay, alerts, and more
Check out the following ways through which you can utilise your credit card for utility bill payments –
Credit Card Bill Payment Online & Offline in UAE |
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