A credit card is a financial instrument that provides convenience and flexibility for everyday transactions to both individuals and companies. Each card comes with certain eligibility requirements with salary transfer being one of them.
Many banking institutions require you to transfer your salary to their banks as a prerequisite for approval. However, there are credit cards without salary transfer as well. They are designed to cater to financial flexibility without the need for salary redirection.
Let’s see what benefits a credit card without salary transfer offers in the UAE:
One of the major advantages of credit cards without salary transfer is the flexibility they offer in choosing a bank. Unlike credit cards that require salary transfers to a specific bank, these cards allow you to maintain your salary account with your existing bank.This means you can benefit from your current bank’s services and preferences while enjoying the features and benefits of your new credit card.
Credit cards with no salary transfer are designed to serve both UAE nationals and expatriates, offering a range of options to choose from. This extensive access to credit facilities allows cardholders to benefit from credit card services, which is essential for building a credit history and managing personal finances effectively.
For individuals with multiple income sources or irregular earnings, applying for a card without transferring their salary can provide a more streamlined approach to financial management. With credit cards without salary transfers, they can easily make payments, access emergency funds, and earn rewards or cashback.
The following are the general eligibility criteria for a credit card no salary transfer in the UAE:
Eligibility Criteria | Requirements |
Age | Minimum 21 years old |
Nationality | UAE national or expatriate |
Employment Status | Salaried or self-employed individual |
Credit Score | Depends on the bank |
Note: Additional eligibility may be applicable.
Given below is a list of general documents required to process a credit card application:
For Salaried Individuals | For Self-Employed Individuals |
Visit our official website’s credit card section to apply for a credit card no salary transfer. Alternatively, click here to get directed to the best credit card lead form.
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